Tomato Peninsula Wiki


Galicia is the personification of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spain.


  • Name: Galicia/Galiza
  • Language: Galician, Castilian Spanish
  • Human name: Uxía de Magallanes Coello
  • Sex: F
  • Physical age: 30 yo
  • Height: 173 cm
  • Weight: N/A
  • Hair color: Blond
  • Eye color: Hazel


  • Galicia’s parents were Ancient Celt and Ancient Iberia. This makes her half siblings with Lusitania and Hispania who are daughters of Iberia, and also with Scotland, Ireland twins, and Wales who are sons of Brittania and Celt.
  • Galicia had a brother named Asture who disappeared when Visigoth conquered the peninsula. Later Hispania named her first-born Asturias in his honor.
  • Galicia thinks that Asturias being head over heels toward Cantabria is cute, but also sad, because she remembered that once upon a time, her baby brother Asture was in love with Cantabria as well.
  • Galicia found baby Centro when she was travelling the peninsula and was reminded of her lost brother so much that she adopted him as her brother.


  • Spain
Current superior.
Younger brother (missing).
Younger brother (adopted).
Childhood friend's son.